Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Survivor or The Amazing Race Essay - 684 Words

Survivor or The Amazing Race? Reality television is well known for its exhibition in unscripted dramatic and often humorous events that portrays real life people as opposed to professional actors. Reality television is mostly associated with the years after 2000. Television’s popular, long-running reality series Survivor, and The Amazing Race both have similar goals and outcomes, despite their themes, challenges, and ingenuity. Survivor is far more entertaining than The Amazing Race with its use of clever challenges, cast elimination, and overall ingenuity. The ingenuity and overall quality of the challenges in Survivor is far more appealing than in The Amazing Race. In Survivor, the challenges mostly involve endurance, balance, mental†¦show more content†¦For example, in The Amazing Race, teams race across foreign countries to solve riddles and puzzles while being timed. Whereas Survivor involves physical, mental, and endurance to win the immunity idol, a hot cooked meal, and survive an elimination vote. Even though, The Amazing Race has a number of illustrious challenges, Survivor is simply more entertaining. Men and women wrestle for food, stab each other in the back, argue over petty issues, display love and anger towards one another while playing a strategic game of surviving the elements as well as outlasting one another. Likewise, the cast elimination in Survivor is more intense and suspenseful than The Amazing Race. Survivor’s clever idea in creating a cast vote elimination brought the audience a thrill seeker in wondering who will be voted off the island next. In comparison, The Amazing Race leaves the audience with a feeling of which ever team arrives at the checkpoint last automatically is voted off. Whereas, Survivor’s cast elimination grabs the audience’s attention from the very first episode with its use of jaw dropping cast vote off elimination. Generally, each season begins with a twist, something different to surprise the new castaways. In contrast, The Amazing Race does not create much of an excitement. Survivor is a game of adaptation, with two cast members left at the end drawing a conclusion to which player is most effective in adapting to their surroundings as well as the people they are competingShow MoreRelatedEssay about Self-Analysis of Writing Process962 Words   |  4 Pagesessay about The Series Survivor Vs. The Amazing Race, I had this sentence â€Å"Television’s popular, long-running reality series Survivor, and The Amazing Race both have similar goals and outcomes, despite their themes, challenges, and ingenuity.† My professor wrote, â€Å"how† on my response to the rough draft. 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